Drupal Themes

All Drupal Theme Development related questions should be place in this forum.

theme switching

drupal_developer's picture

Hi I was wondering if there is a module that allows theme switching for a 6.x install clicking to see a new theme. This is at the end of the url for
where it should load the theme whose name is specified in the url.....

Themekey upgradation problems

drupal_developer's picture

Hi there,
today I updated a site that uses Drupal 6 since ther was a possible security issue with the version it was running. While I was at it, i also upgradd ThemeKey which is required by Taxonomy Menu. Since I only installed themekey as a required module, i hardly knows what it does.
But that's not the point, after upgrading I received a warning on all my pages when logged in stating

__clone method called on non-object in /var/www/html/rick/includes/common.inc on line 1685.

Which I could trace down to a call of ThemeKey on line 147 to drupal_clone().


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