computed field module with postgreSQL

Hey All,
I was just testing the computed field module with postgreSQL and came across this data type flaw.
If you'r using postgreSQL and when U try to save the computed field with Store using the database settings below option and use int as data type it will ask you for data length.
Actually when you add a column in postgreSQL as int it wont ask for any length.

SO the problem can be solved by changing line number 88 in computed_field.module from this

if (!($field['data_type'] == 'text' || $field['data_type'] == 'longtext') && empty($field['data_length'])) {


if (!($field['data_type'] == 'text' || $field['data_type'] == 'longtext' || $field['data_type'] == 'int') && empty($field['data_length'])) {

If any one having any problem with computed field or drupal with postgreSQL, feel free to ask here.

drupal_designer on April 20th 2009

thats good, It helps me a lot.


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