problem in service module with postgresql while running cron

I am using drupal 6.5 with postgresql. Every thing is fine althought I have not tested views and cck but according to my requirement I first needed service module. With service module also every thing is fine but when I run cron it gives me an error:

* warning: pg_query() []: Query failed: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying < integer LINE 2: WHERE timestamp < 1224134302 ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. in C:\xampp\htdocs\postgre\includes\ on line 138.
* user warning: query: DELETE FROM services_timestamp_nonce WHERE timestamp < 1224134302 in C:\xampp\htdocs\postgre\sites\all\modules\services\services.module on line 17.

What I thought is timestamp is a datatype in postgresql that might be the reason it shoots this error each time I am running cron.

Any suggestion on how to cope up with this error would be highly appreciated.

rightchoice2c_me on February 12th 2009

you just need to change the below line in service.module.

DELETE FROM services_timestamp_nonce WHERE timestamp < 1224134302 gives error but when I change that to
DELETE FROM services_timestamp_nonce WHERE timestamp < '1224134302' it works fine.


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